More Names for Sims MOD

I’ve made a mod to add new names to the CAS randomizer and to generated Townies.

It’s not a big mod… I’m sure someone has already created something similar… maybe even better. But I’m proud of this and excited that it actually works!! I just wanted to see if I could do it.


You’re welcome to download this mod… I will updated it as I get name suggestions. I also have the list of names already in the game with the ones added.
Names with * have already been requested and are already in game.
Names that have been added are under —–New Names—– at the bottom of each list.

Please feel free to request names to be added!

Note: Because of the sheer size of the list… the chances of you seeing a specific name quickly is random… it took me a lot of randomizing before I saw some the newly added names!

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